Elaborado por: Lizeth Medina y Jessica Sabido

General Data
Place of residency:
Latest level of studies:

  1. Where did you obtain your degree(s)?
  2. Could you briefly tell us about your career story?
  3. Why did you decide to work for UNWTO?
  4. Why did you choose the area or department where you currently work?
  5. How did you obtain your current position?
  6. How are your studies or degree(s) useful to your position?
  7. What are the goals of your department?
  8. What are your roles in the position you play?
  9. What would a typical day of work look like in your department?
  10. What is the hiring process at UNWTO?
  11. What skills and/or strengths should a job applicant have to work at your department?
  12. What would be the postulant’s ideal profile to work at your department?
  13. Do you usually hire people who have just graduated from university or people who have working experience?
  14. What is the reason for this preference?
  15. What is the staff turnover period?
  16. How is the worker’s performance evaluated?
  17. From your experience, what recommendations do you have for us as future graduates in professional tourism studies to face the working world?

We thank you for the time you have dedicated to answer our questions. Have a terrific day!

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